
Shape hash or uniqueId algorithm has problem

qingfengxia opened this issue · 6 comments

ukaea/openmc_workshop task10

for small value like centerOfMess.X = 0.014 (before write brep) vs 0.012 (after write out brep in occ_faceter) has diff value,

No material found for ID: 4710765210376886256
with volume: 1.26734e+08, CentreOfMass: 0.0145901, -9.97406e-15, 268.845

"material": "copper",
"name": "divertor.stp",
"property": {
    "area": 2300829.253375523,
    "centerOfMass": [
    "volume": 126733088.77402382
"uniqueId": 4710765210367973360

No material found for ID: 13934137247231662064
with volume: 1.26734e+08, CentreOfMass: 0.0145901, -1.254e-14, -268.845

"material": "copper",
"name": "divertor.stp",
"property": {
    "area": 2300829.253375234,
    "centerOfMass": [
    "volume": 126733088.77435534
"uniqueId": 13934137247222749168

one solution, is turn off unique ID check in occ_faceter, it is now known brep write-out and readin sequence is fixed.

if a value is less than 1, then make it zero, before hashing, to by pass this issue20.

while, run into error: no matter tolerance size of occ_faceter

qxia@K0244:/mnt/windata/MyData/openmc_workshop/tasks/task_10$ make_watertight dagmc_notwatertight.h5m -o dagmc.h5m
Loading input file...
faceting tolerance=0.0001 cm
absolute tolerance=1e-06 cm
finished in get_geom_size_before_sealing
Getting entity count before sealing...
input faceted geometry contains 13 volumes, 65 surfaces, 187 curves, and 418185 triangles
Finding degenerate triangles...
Modifying faceted curve representation and removing small curves...
Identifying coincident curves to be merged...
Zipping loops and removing small surfaces whose curves were all merged as pairs...
SME_RESABS_TOL = 1e-06 facet_tol = 0.0001
MOAB ERROR: --------------------- Error Message ------------------------------------
MOAB ERROR: too many endpt_sets!
MOAB ERROR: seal_loop() line 793 in MakeWatertight.cpp
failed to zip: surface 1: failed to seal a loop
MOAB ERROR: --------------------- Error Message ------------------------------------
MOAB ERROR: Failed to get the curve to surface entity tag handle!
MOAB ERROR: check_edge_sense_tags() line 1220 in src/GeomTopoTool.cpp
MOAB ERROR: --------------------- Error Message ------------------------------------
MOAB ERROR: Failed to check the curve to surface sense tag handles!
MOAB ERROR: get_senses() line 1071 in src/GeomTopoTool.cpp
MOAB ERROR: --------------------- Error Message ------------------------------------
MOAB ERROR: could not get the surfs/senses of the curve to delete!
MOAB ERROR: combine_merged_curve_senses() line 1832 in Gen.cpp
MOAB ERROR: --------------------- Error Message ------------------------------------
MOAB ERROR: could not combine the merged curve sets!
MOAB ERROR: prepare_surfaces() line 1089 in MakeWatertight.cpp

that error isnt due to PPP its due to occ_faceter, im working on it :)

Thank you Andy, I assumed occ_faceter output has already water-tight. cp dagmic_not_watertight.h5m damgc.h5m
then run the example py of task10

Implicit Complement assumed to be Vacuum
 ERROR: No material li4sio4 found for volume (cell) 13

I guess I have not installed the material lib, or material name is not correct.
I only install "tendl-2019-hdf5" it seems for Atom not for compound like Li4SiO4

That li4sio4 is the material name in this case. Nothing to do with the nuclear data