
Extra transmittance term

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I think there is an additional issue with the sensitivity and integration time equations, having an extra np.exp(self.tau_atm) term. The corresponding lines are reported below.

sensitivity = \
(self.sefd /
(self.eta_s * np.sqrt(self.n_pol * self.bandwidth * t_int))
* np.exp(self.tau_atm)

t_int = ((self.sefd * np.exp(self.tau_atm))
/ (sensitivity * self.eta_s)) ** 2 \
/ (self.n_pol * self.bandwidth)

Respectively, these should be

sensitivity = self.sefd / self.eta_s / np.sqrt(self.n_pol * self.bandwidth * t_int)


t_int = ((self.sefd / sensitivity / self.eta_s) ** 2) / self.n_pol / self.bandwidth

That's interesting. I'm wondering if there was maybe an earlier version of the calcuations that didn't include the transmission term in the T_sys calculation. I've removed the term from each calculation (it's in the wrong place in the t_int calculation anyway).

The transmittance term has now been removed from the integration time and sensitivty calculations.