
How to exclude WSUS from Lancache/monolithic?

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Describe the issue you are having

I have a real WSUS server and have no need to cache anything from Microsoft in Lancache. This is effectively consuming 2x HDD space for WSUS content. At this time, I wish Lancache to cache Steam games only.

I've tried to delete the WSUS section from cache_domains.json and make it read only. I found that the cache_domains.json file is refreshed from source on rebooting the host which means Lancache continues to cache WSUS. Please could you advise how I can exclude WSUS caching from Lancache/monolithic?

Describe your setup?

This is a homelab. DNS order = Domain servers & clients -> forwarded to PiHole (for filtering and reporting) -> PiHole forwards to Domain Controllers -> Domain Controllers forwards to Steamcache -> Steamcache forwards to All works perfectly (thank you!) as you've designed. Steamcache is running in a docker on Ubuntu.

Are you running sniproxy


DNS Configuration

I don't believe adding my DNS configuration adds value to my query but will do if deemed necessary

### Sniproxy output
I don't believe adding Sniproxy configuration/logs adds value to my query.

I forgot to ask, is there a method to clean up the cache as keeping Windows Updates for perhaps 10 years is a bit excessive.

The best way to do this is to exclude it from your DNS container.
For lancache-dns, the best way to do this is to take advantage of the CACHE_DOMAINS_REPO flag

By default, the flag on the lancache-dns container is set to this repo. If you were to fork it and remove the wsus entry from cache_domains.json, the DNS container would not load those hostnames.

The relevant section in the lancache-dns README is called "Custom forks and branches", which gives far more detail on this. The additional argumet you would need, copied and pasted from there is:

As for cleaning up, not really at the moment. I have been playing with writing a "cache interrogator", to let advanced users take a peek at what is in their cache, but it's nowhere near ready.
It's worth noting that every cached file contains a KEY: header, which will begin KEY: wsus/ and will continue with the rest of the URL, but this can be quite an intensive operation to seek out and identify.

Could I work around it by manually entering the WSUS domains in windowsupdates.txt into the Windows DNS Conditional Forwarders section? ie: Effectively getting an earlier-in-the-chain DNS resolver to answer the client before Lancache intercepts the client query?

If you are using lancache-dns somewhere in your chain just specify -e DISABLE_WSUS and it not intercept the data. If you are using your own DNS interception then remove the wsus domains (

You don't need to remove the mapping from monolithic itself that just helps to categorise data to prevent collisions.

First time user of LanCache here. When you said "If you are using lancache-dns somewhere in your chain just specify -e DISABLE_WSUS", did you mean put DISABLE_WSUS=true in the .env file? This should disable that list?

Correct, the -e is for a docker run, the .env format is as you suggested

Thank you! This issue was the first time I have seen the DISABLE_WSUS environmental variable. Is there a list of "hidden" variables and accepted values that can be shared? Maybe also a description of what each variable does?

Yup, in the documentation 🤣

🤣 ... Oh man must have missed that. Thank you! I am going to assume that in the cache_domains.json "names" are the proper services to reference. Awesome work btw!