
@FindWithOptionalParams not working

anwithct opened this issue · 3 comments

@ukman I tried including the library in my project and used the @FindWithOptionalParams annotation but it did not ignore the null valued params, is there something specific to be done for the annotation processor to work?

ukman commented

Any example? Did you try my example?
You can check if processor works by using int/long/char parameters. E.g.
Iterable<> findById(long id);
In this case when you compile the app it should throw error. So if you see error- processor works fine.

@ukman does it work for the properties of related entities (that are mapped to the primary entity) ?

for me, String Params are considered as Empty and not as Null, thats why it is not working as expected.
I had to check if every STring param was empty I set it to null, thats way it works fine