
Unwanted backslash is added before an underscore

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
When using "Contains" with an input that includes an underscore, a backslash (for escaping) is added before the underscore:

The result would be:

  event_name LIKE '%hi\_1%'

The added backslash actually breaks the query in Google Big Query. Is it possible to not have this backslash added? I couldn't find anything in the docs

To Reproduce
Add text input to "Contains" which includes an underscore

Expected behavior
A backslash will not be added

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Additional context
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BigQuery has a different escaping rule, compared to other SQL dialects:

You can escape , _, or % using two backslashes. For example, \\%

In other SQL dialects, one backslash is the default escape character.

Function for escaping values for LIKE in SQL:
Ideally, it needs to be extended to support different SQL dialects in the future (configurable in settings, like sqlDialect: "BigQuery" or sqlDialect: "PL/pgSQL" etc.)

But for now, you can use a workaround.

One way is to override sqlFormatValue for text widget:

const config = merge(InitialConfig, {
 widgets: {
  text: {
    sqlFormatValue: function (val, fieldDef, wgtDef, op, opDef) {
      if (opDef.sqlOp == "LIKE" || opDef.sqlOp == "NOT LIKE") {
        return this.utils.SqlString.escapeLike(
          op != "starts_with",
          op != "ends_with"
        ).replace(/\\([%_]|\\)(?!'$)/g, "\\\\$1");
      } else {
        return this.utils.SqlString.escape(val);

(see original function:

Another way is to use CONTAINS:

const config = merge(InitialConfig, {
 operators: {
   like: {
      sqlOp: "CONTAINS",
   not_like: {
      sqlOp: "NOT CONTAINS",