I made a standalone menuconfig
JiauZhang opened this issue · 1 comments
Hey, guys.
I made a standalone menuconfig --> https://github.com/JiauZhang/menuconfig
Kconfig is an important configuration tool that is used in many projects. Unfortunately, Kconfiglib has not been updated since Jan 31 and 2020, so I created this project. Most of the source code is synchronized from the Linux kernel, and I have added some additional code to enable menuconfig to run independently.
I will regularly synchronize the relevant code in the Linux kernel into this project.
Welcome everyone to use it and provide good suggestions.
There is a similar project here, also including the regular "config" tool (conf
https://github.com/WangNan0/kbuild-standalone (v6.2)
As well as the original project, that also included the guiconfig (gconf