Segfault while loading Policenauts English
cax opened this issue · 0 comments
psx4all segfaults while loading Policenauts English iso, and it doesn't matter which bios is used.
I used psx4all_debug to create debug.txt file.
I didn't find how to attach it here, and it doesn't fit in a message, so I will paste here only last section of it.
Please let me know what else can I do to help fixing this issue.
src/main.cpp, line 847: loaded /boot/local/emulators//_psx-games/Policenauts_English1.iso
0074efc0: lw s3, s8 + 8
0074efc4: ori s4, zero, 0x0 (0x34140000)
0074efc8: bne s3, s4, 0074eff0 (0x16740009)
0074efcc: nop (0x00000000)
0074efd0: lui a1, 0xbfc0 (0x3c05bfc0)
0074efd4: ori a1, a1, 0x6988 (0x34a56988)
0074efd8: lui a0, 0x0 (0x3c040000)
0074efdc: ori a0, a0, 0x4 (0x34840004)
0074efe0: jal psxBranchTest_rec (0x0c125417)
0074efe4: nop (0x00000000)
0074efe8: jr v0 (0x00400008)
0074efec: nop (0x00000000)
0074eff0: li s5, 901 (0x24150385)
0074eff4: sw s5, s8 + 16
0074eff8: lui t0, 0xbfc0 (0x3c08bfc0)
0074effc: ori t0, t0, 0x6988 (0x35086988)
0074f000: sw t0, s8 + 124
0074f004: lui a1, 0xbfc0 (0x3c05bfc0)
0074f008: ori a1, a1, 0x6fa4 (0x34a56fa4)
0074f00c: lui a0, 0x0 (0x3c040000)
0074f010: ori a0, a0, 0x8 (0x34840008)
0074f014: jal psxBranchTest_rec (0x0c125417)
0074f018: nop (0x00000000)
0074f01c: jr v0 (0x00400008)
0074f020: nop (0x00000000)
bfc06988: 0ff00698 jal bfc01a60
bfc0698c: 24040007 li a0, 7
0074f040: li s6, 7 (0x24160007)
0074f044: sw s6, s8 + 16
0074f048: lui t0, 0xbfc0 (0x3c08bfc0)
0074f04c: ori t0, t0, 0x6990 (0x35086990)
0074f050: sw t0, s8 + 124
0074f054: lui a1, 0xbfc0 (0x3c05bfc0)
0074f058: ori a1, a1, 0x1a60 (0x34a51a60)
0074f05c: lui a0, 0x0 (0x3c040000)
0074f060: ori a0, a0, 0x4 (0x34840004)
0074f064: jal psxBranchTest_rec (0x0c125417)
0074f068: nop (0x00000000)
0074f06c: jr v0 (0x00400008)
0074f070: nop (0x00000000)
bfc06990: 0ff01bfc jal bfc06ff0
bfc06994: 00000000 nop
0074f080: lui t0, 0xbfc0 (0x3c08bfc0)
0074f084: ori t0, t0, 0x6998 (0x35086998)
0074f088: sw t0, s8 + 124
0074f08c: lui a1, 0xbfc0 (0x3c05bfc0)
0074f090: ori a1, a1, 0x6ff0 (0x34a56ff0)
0074f094: lui a0, 0x0 (0x3c040000)
0074f098: ori a0, a0, 0x4 (0x34840004)
0074f09c: jal psxBranchTest_rec (0x0c125417)
0074f0a0: nop (0x00000000)
0074f0a4: jr v0 (0x00400008)
0074f0a8: nop (0x00000000)
bfc06ff0: 27bdffe0 addiu sp, sp, -32
bfc06ff4: afbf001c sw ra, [sp + 28]
bfc06ff8: afa40020 sw a0, [sp + 32]
bfc06ffc: 3c05bfc1 lui a1, 0xbfc1
bfc07000: 3c060006 lui a2, 0x6
bfc07004: 34c67ff0 ori a2, a2, 0x7ff0
bfc07008: 34a58000 ori a1, a1, 0x8000
bfc0700c: 0ff00ad4 jal bfc02b50
bfc07010: 3c048003 lui a0, 0x8003
0074f0c0: lw s7, s8 + 116
0074f0c4: addiu s7, s7, -32 (0x26f7ffe0)
0074f0c8: addiu a0, s7, 28 (0x26e4001c)
0074f0cc: sw s7, s8 + 116
0074f0d0: lw s0, s8 + 124
0074f0d4: addu a1, s0, zero (0x02002821)
0074f0d8: jal psxMemWrite32 (0x0c12f36f)
0074f0dc: nop (0x00000000)
0074f0e0: lw s1, s8 + 116
0074f0e4: addiu a0, s1, 32 (0x26240020)
0074f0e8: lw s2, s8 + 16
0074f0ec: addu a1, s2, zero (0x02402821)
0074f0f0: jal psxMemWrite32 (0x0c12f36f)
0074f0f4: nop (0x00000000)
0074f0f8: lui s3, 0xbfc1 (0x3c13bfc1)
0074f0fc: lui s4, 0x6 (0x3c140006)
0074f100: ori s4, s4, 0x7ff0 (0x36947ff0)
0074f104: ori s3, s3, 0x8000 (0x36738000)
0074f108: lui s2, 0x8003 (0x3c128003)
0074f10c: sw s2, s8 + 16
0074f110: sw s3, s8 + 20
0074f114: sw s4, s8 + 24
0074f118: lui t0, 0xbfc0 (0x3c08bfc0)
0074f11c: ori t0, t0, 0x7014 (0x35087014)
0074f120: sw t0, s8 + 124
0074f124: lui a1, 0xbfc0 (0x3c05bfc0)
0074f128: ori a1, a1, 0x2b50 (0x34a52b50)
0074f12c: lui a0, 0x0 (0x3c040000)
0074f130: ori a0, a0, 0x12 (0x34840012)
0074f134: jal psxBranchTest_rec (0x0c125417)
0074f138: nop (0x00000000)
0074f13c: jr v0 (0x00400008)
0074f140: nop (0x00000000)
bfc07014: 0ff00648 jal bfc01920
bfc07018: 00000000 nop
0074f180: lui t0, 0xbfc0 (0x3c08bfc0)
0074f184: ori t0, t0, 0x701c (0x3508701c)
0074f188: sw t0, s8 + 124
0074f18c: lui a1, 0xbfc0 (0x3c05bfc0)
0074f190: ori a1, a1, 0x1920 (0x34a51920)
0074f194: lui a0, 0x0 (0x3c040000)
0074f198: ori a0, a0, 0x4 (0x34840004)
0074f19c: jal psxBranchTest_rec (0x0c125417)
0074f1a0: nop (0x00000000)
0074f1a4: jr v0 (0x00400008)
0074f1a8: nop (0x00000000)
bfc0701c: 8fa40020 lw a0, [sp + 32]
bfc07020: 3c0e8003 lui t6, 0x8003
bfc07024: 01c0f809 jalr t6
bfc07028: 00000000 nop
0074f1c0: lw s5, s8 + 116
0074f1c4: addiu a0, s5, 32 (0x26a40020)
0074f1c8: jal psxMemRead32 (0x0c12f1e8)
0074f1cc: nop (0x00000000)
0074f1d0: addu s6, v0, zero (0x0040b021)
0074f1d4: lui s7, 0x8003 (0x3c178003)
0074f1d8: sw s7, s8 + 56
0074f1dc: sw s6, s8 + 16
0074f1e0: lui s0, 0xbfc0 (0x3c10bfc0)
0074f1e4: ori s0, s0, 0x702c (0x3610702c)
0074f1e8: addu a1, s7, zero (0x02e02821)
0074f1ec: sw s0, s8 + 124
0074f1f0: lui a0, 0x0 (0x3c040000)
0074f1f4: ori a0, a0, 0x8 (0x34840008)
0074f1f8: jal psxBranchTest_rec (0x0c125417)
0074f1fc: nop (0x00000000)
0074f200: jr v0 (0x00400008)
0074f204: nop (0x00000000)