
ReSharper 2016.1 support?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I miss this having this extension after upgrading to R# 2016.1..

Does anyone know what it takes to upgrade it?

Well that was a fun little adventure. I cloned the repo and figured out how to build the nupkg files in the #R#10.1 branch. powershell -file build\build.ps1 worked great after I removed the Test line (some of the tests failed, and it obviously can't publish the results to your appveyor account). Once the packages were built, I created a new extension source in R# and pointed it at the build\output folder and R# found the extension.

Works like a champ. Is there anything I should know while testing this version?

Yes. This exactly the way how to build a local package.

Nothing special to know for testing, but note that I haven't ran it with the RTM version yet.

Do you have results? Any issues?

Seems to be working well. For some reason, I'm not seeing the "references" line that is normally there between the code and the comment, but I don't yet know if that's related to the extension. Will try to do some more testing.

@alexdresko Yes, I doubt that the missing "references count" is related to R# at all. Could you check the "CodeLens" options? (Tools | Options | Text Editor | All languages | CodeLens.) If it is enabled, try to suspend R# to check if the missing "references count" is a R# issue.

You're right. Somehow codelense got disabled. All is well. Still no problems with this branch.

What's keeping you from going live with it?

@alexdresko Perfect.

Released 1.4.0 with R# 2016.1 support to the R# gallery. Have fun.