Problem with selector?
rafaelmoni opened this issue · 5 comments
I'm trying to use autogrow with a lot of other plugins together, but when I try to use a custom jquery selector, it doesn't work.
I created a html attribute on the textarea to control who already has autogrow and who's doesn't.
console.log($('.tarea_marcacao')); // return all textareas
console.log($('.tarea_marcacao[appliedAutogrow="false"]')); // return the same all textareas
$('.tarea_marcacao').autogrow({ //works
onInitialize: true,
$('.tarea_marcacao[appliedAutogrow="false"]').autogrow({ //nothing happens...
onInitialize: true,
I also tryed to use it inside a $.each loop, but it didn't worked too
$(this).autogrow({ //doesn't work either....
onInitialize: true,
Can you post a fiddle? If you're trying to init the same textareas twice, this might be expected behavior...
This is the simplest way to simulate the problem, I don't wanna init twice, that's why I use the attr :)
I'm not seeing that fiddle as functional :\
Am I using the plugin wrongly?
Take a look now:
I am getting a similar error.
$('textarea').autogrow(); // works on all textarea
$('textarea').not('.no-autogrow').autogrow(); // does not work on any textarea