
Height remains the same after deleting lines

JAspeling opened this issue · 4 comments

The grow property works fine, but when I delete lines the height does not re-adjust to the 'new' size. Am I doing something wrong?

Please see the demo. If you can repro your issue, I will take a look and see if something needs fixed. Could it be a CSS issue in your code? If so, that's something I'll want to document.

Thanks for your issue post! I'll mark as closed until you respond with a reproducible bug.

I'm getting this issue as well. I removed all my css on the element and still does not contract.

Works on chrome, but not firefox 26. Have tried disabling all ff addons and in private mode.

Using jQuery 2.0.2

It occurs only when you evacuate field of value by code, the plugin catches on keyup and paste, but not on "change" events

Maybe the solution is simply by removing the condition: if (!e || e.which == 8 || e.which == 46 || (e.ctrlKey && e.which == 88) so that it always shrinks.. then in our code we'd fire a keyup event after value changes