
How to change training input image size?

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How to change the training input image size from the default 640640 to 1248384?

I have tried changing the imgsz parameter default value of 640 in train.py to default=(1248, 384), as shown below
parser.add_argument("--imgsz", "--img", "--img-size", type=int, default=(1248, 384), help="train, val image size (pixels)")

But the following problems occurred
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\PycharmProjects\yolov5_attention\train.py", line 849, in
File "D:\PycharmProjects\yolov5_attention\train.py", line 624, in main
train(opt.hyp, opt, device, callbacks)
File "D:\PycharmProjects\yolov5_attention\train.py", line 254, in train
train_loader, dataset = create_dataloader(
File "D:\PycharmProjects\yolov5_attention\utils\dataloaders.py", line 181, in create_dataloader
dataset = LoadImagesAndLabels(
File "D:\PycharmProjects\yolov5_attention\utils\dataloaders.py", line 561, in init
self.mosaic_border = [-img_size // 2, -img_size // 2]
TypeError: bad operand type for unary -: 'list'

I also tried another method
python train.py --imgsz 1248 384 --rect

But the following problems occurred
usage: train.py [-h] [--weights WEIGHTS] [--cfg CFG] [--data DATA] [--hyp HYP] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE] [--imgsz IMGSZ] [--rect] [--resume [RESUME]] [--nosave]
[--noval] [--noautoanchor] [--noplots] [--evolve [EVOLVE]] [--evolve_population EVOLVE_POPULATION] [--resume_evolve RESUME_EVOLVE] [--bucket BUCKET]
[--cache [CACHE]] [--image-weights] [--device DEVICE] [--multi-scale] [--single-cls] [--optimizer {SGD,Adam,AdamW}] [--sync-bn] [--workers WORKERS]
[--project PROJECT] [--name NAME] [--exist-ok] [--quad] [--cos-lr] [--label-smoothing LABEL_SMOOTHING] [--patience PATIENCE] [--freeze FREEZE [FREEZE ...]]
[--save-period SAVE_PERIOD] [--seed SEED] [--local_rank LOCAL_RANK] [--entity ENTITY] [--upload_dataset [UPLOAD_DATASET]] [--bbox_interval BBOX_INTERVAL]
[--artifact_alias ARTIFACT_ALIAS] [--ndjson-console] [--ndjson-file]
train.py: error: unrecognized arguments: 384


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👋 Hello @EXGHLI, thank you for your interest in YOLOv5 🚀! Please visit our ⭐️ Tutorials to get started, where you can find quickstart guides for simple tasks like Custom Data Training all the way to advanced concepts like Hyperparameter Evolution.

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Hello! It looks like you’re trying to adjust the input image size for training in YOLOv5 🚀. The way to do this is through the command line rather than modifying train.py directly. For a non-square image size like 1248x384, you were on the right track with using the --imgsz argument, but the syntax needs a little adjustment.

To specify a custom image size, you can use the --imgsz option followed by your desired dimensions, but you should pass them as a single argument quoted to ensure they are correctly interpreted as a tuple by the parser. For your case:

python train.py --imgsz '1248 384' --rect

This tells YOLOv5 to use an input resolution of 1248x384 pixels for both training and validation. The --rect flag is used for rectangular training, which matches your non-square dimension.

Remember, adjusting the input size can affect the model's performance and computational requirements, so it's good to experiment to find the best size for your particular application.

Happy training! 🌟

你好!看起來您正在嘗試調整輸入圖像大小以在 YOLOv5 🚀 中進行訓練。實現的方法是透過命令列而不是train.py直接修改。對於像 1248x384 這樣的非方形影像大小,使用參數的做法是正確的--imgsz,但語法需要一些調整。


python train.py --imgsz '1248 384' --rect

這告訴 YOLOv5 使用 1248x384 像素的輸入解析度進行訓練和驗證。此--rect標誌用於矩形訓練,與您的非正方形尺寸相符。


快樂訓練! 🌟

Thank you for your reply.
How do I modify the parameters?
parser.add_argument("--imgsz", "--img", "--img-size", type=int, default=640, help="train, val image size (pixels)")
Taking the original code as an example, how should I modify it?



python train.py --imgsz 640 --rect





python train.py --imgsz 640 --rect



Sorry, I'm still confused.
Do you mean that if I enter the following command, the input image size will be specified as 1248*1248, and the --rect parameter is used to reduce the blank area between 384 and 1248?

python train.py --imgsz 1248 --rect


当你使用--imgsz 1248 --rect命令行参数时,你指定的是训练和验证图像的最大边长尺寸为1248像素。--rect参数确实是用来以矩形训练,帮助减少图像周围的空白填充区域。这样,YOLOv5会动态调整图像以保持原有比例,最大边为1248像素,而另一边则按比例缩放,这样可以有效减少模型处理不必要的空白区域,提高训练效率和检测性能。

例如,如果原始图像是1248x384,使用--imgsz 1248 --rect会保持这个大小比例,直接用于训练,而不是将图像扩展到1248x1248。



当你使用--imgsz 1248 --rect命令行参数时,你指定的是训练和验证图像的最大边长尺寸为1248像素。--rect参数确实是用来以矩形训练,帮助减少图像周围的空白填充区域。这样,YOLOv5会动态调整图像以保持原有比例,最大边为1248像素,而另一边则按比例缩放,这样可以有效减少模型处理不必要的空白区域,提高训练效率和检测性能。

例如,如果原始图像是1248x384,使用--imgsz 1248 --rect会保持这个大小比例,直接用于训练,而不是将图像扩展到1248x1248。


Thank you very much for your teaching!
Your assistance is very important to me.

You're very welcome! I'm glad to have been able to help clarify things for you. If you have any more questions or need further assistance down the line, please don't hesitate to reach out. Happy training with YOLOv5! 🌟

What if my image is in size of 720 x 1280 (width is 720, height is 1280)? What should I input for --imgsz, 720, 1280 or something else? I really appreciate your help.

Hello! For your image size of 720x1280, you would choose the larger dimension (1280 in this case) for the --imgsz parameter to maintain aspect ratio when resizing. You can then use:

python train.py --imgsz 1280 --rect

This uses 1280 as the maximum dimension and the --rect ensures that the images are processed in a way that minimizes any alteration to the aspect ratio, reducing unnecessary padding. Happy training! 🚀

Hello! For your image size of 720x1280, you would choose the larger dimension (1280 in this case) for the --imgsz parameter to maintain aspect ratio when resizing. You can then use:

python train.py --imgsz 1280 --rect

This uses 1280 as the maximum dimension and the --rect ensures that the images are processed in a way that minimizes any alteration to the aspect ratio, reducing unnecessary padding. Happy training! 🚀

Got it. Great thanks for your prompt reply.

You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Happy training with YOLOv5! 🚀