
AI Powered Hacking Environment, A Software For Hackers, Social Engineers, Penetration Testers, Shell Programmers.

Primary LanguageC++

Digital Eagle (Digle)

(Note: This Project isn't Finished Yet, it's Under Development, Some Tools will not work)
Hell0 W0rld
This Project Focus Firstly On Hacking Devices With Malwares.

Have You Tried An AI Powered Hacking Environment ???

Introducing Digle:

Easy To Use, PowerFul, Colorful, Fast, Intelligent, Hacking Environment, `Console Application`

Digle, Or Digital Eagle, A Massive Command Line Based Environment Aimed At Hacking.

If Your a Skilled Social Engineer, Then Digle is for you, Why?


  • Because, Digle Support Building Intelligent Malwares, Different File Types, With User-Specified Power And Properties
  • Because, Digle Support Building Keyloggers, Intelligent And HollyWood-Like Data Receiver And Displayer
  • Because, Digle's Malwares Are Made To Hold Himselfs Intelligently, Evading Any Kind Of Detection With Some Pre-specified Decisions to follow...

More Information About This Software

The main goal behind this software is to create a Command-Line Environment For Hacking, Programming, Testing...., Moving Into Another Level With Shell Scripting, Output Displaying, Terminal I/O Control With The C++ Ncurses Library, And So On, This is mostly used for Post Exploitation Because it supports One-Liner Local infection (One-Liner Local Infection currently under testing).

Digle's Tool Power

  • Digle Can Spawn Malwares, With a user-specified type, Like saying to digle to spawn a windows executable that log keystrokes, Or Open a Reverse Shell, Or saying to spawn a Dropper that Inject some System Files, and much more with Different File Types
  • Digle Provide Phishing Tools, Phishing Web Camera, Or Social Media's Accounts
  • Digle Provide Scripting Engine, Enabling Shell Programmers to create windows in terminals, move cursor from one location to another one easilly, and much more, By Increasing Shell Scripting Power To The Maximum
  • Digle Malwares, From Basic Reverse Shells into Super Interactive Remote Controlled Malware, Named Digle Super Malware Or DSM
  • Digle's Super Malwares are intelligent, they hide Themselves With the Memory Injection Technique, Also Known as Fileless Malwares, They Detect Virtual Machines Or Debugging, They can inject themselves in a Running Process, They can Destroy the whole OS if user tried to delete The Malware N Times Where This Action and N is a User-Specified Option.
  • Digle Can inject Files with Each Others, Helping User to inject a pre-spawned malware in a specified file or script, Injection Supports Many Extensions
  • Digle Provide an Excellent Terminal-Based Chatting App Powered by the Ncurses Library.
  • Digle Provide Some Text-Based Games, 2D and 3D For Fun Only

Tools And Properties That Currently Working On To Add

  • The Support Of My Malware And Exploit Development Library CVenom, I Recommend Malwares And Exploits Developers To Give it a Try, It's Free From "Working with Pointers", Soon This Project Will Support The Instant Write & Execute Mechanism For C++ Using The Preprocessors Power
  • Optimizing Interface, Prompt,...
  • A File Injection Utility That Support Injecting Scripts in Each Others to run together such as injecting Binaries to run with Interpreted Languages Such as Python, Bash...
  • A Process Injection Utility

Future's Updates if People Liked Digle

  1. Binary File Code Injection (Especially For ELF)
  2. A GUI Based Automated Environment For Digle Shell (Qt)
  3. More Scripting Power
  4. Advanced Fileless Malwares
  5. Some Wireless Tools For Wireless Networks
  6. Upgrading The iChat App To Support More than 2 Users, With a User-Specified Value For The Rotation Alghorithm


  1. Execute bash zstart.sh and wait the installation
  2. Execute help to show all commands with their short description
  3. Execute info followed by a command name to learn its usage
  4. Enjoy Hacking