
The format package doesn't escape strings

icholy opened this issue · 3 comments

The String() method on builders is completely vulnerable to sql injection.

package main

import (
	lk "github.com/ulule/loukoum"

func main() {
			lk.Condition("name").Equal("' OR 1 == 1 --"),


SELECT * FROM users WHERE (name = '' OR 1 == 1 --')
novln commented


If you want safety, you should use lk.Select("*").From("users").Where(...).Prepare()

String() is mainly used for debugging and have a huge footprint: (see bellow)

func rawify(query string, args map[string]interface{}) string {

Hope that helps.

@novln I realise after reading through the code, but that wasn't mentioned anywhere in the docs. Something like that should be front and center, bolded, in a red font.

novln commented

Noted 😄

I'll do a swipe on the documentation to ensure that this kind of information are shared.
If you find anything that need clarification, don't hesitate.