
Examples for joining with 2 columns

Closed this issue · 5 comments

fi0 commented

How do I create a Join query that uses more than 1 column?

novln commented

Could you give me an example with a simple query ?
I'm not familiar with this type of query and besides using logical comparaisons (AND & OR) I don't find more examples relevant (or maybe that's it...)

Thank you.

fi0 commented

I'm trying to build a query with an AND operator

select * from t1 left join t2 on t1.a = t2.a AND t1.b = t2.b
novln commented

Perfect 🙂
I should be able to start writing an implementation soon.

novln commented

@fi0 Don't have much time at this moment, but I don't worry I won't forget this :)

novln commented

Does 6de1fa7 solves your issue ?