
are you still maintaining this repo?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

hjwp commented

we're maintaining a fork at https://github.com/madedotcom/python-logstash-formatter/

we'd be happy to take over maintenance, if you want to give us publishing rights on pypi? or just push back a massive PR if you prefer?

I don't think the functionality has changed that much...

otherwise i was about to publish a public python-logstash-formatter-2 but it felt a bit silly.

I would like to see this better maintained as well. I see you guys fixed the args issue. Any chance you have added it to pypi? The readme still points to this repo

@moynihan I know it's generally uncool to advertise for a rival offering so I apologize if it is being taken that way, but https://github.com/elastic/ecs-logging-python is pretty new, and it's being maintained by Elastic for this kind of use case, using the Elastic Common Schema (which is what Logstash uses).