
Multiple subdomains?

epicylon opened this issue · 3 comments

Thanks for this! Works flawlessly on my AC66U.

But how can I configure this for multiple subdomains (sub1.domain.com, sub2.domain.com)?

Can I just setup 'domain.com' and the scripts gets the records automatically from the subdomains as I add them in the Cloudflare GUI?

Also, thanks for your very detailed instructions, you made it possible for a noob to set it up! :)

Thanks for letting me know this works on an AC66U. I'll add a note about that in the docs. Did you see any differences from my instructions?

Regarding your subdomain question: the better approach is to use a CNAME record. A CNAME lets you create an alias for another record. You would then have the script update one A record (e.g. sub1.domain.com) and you would create a CNAME record in Cloudflare to point to it (e.g. sub2.domain.com --> sub1.domain.com).

I should also mention that it's inappropriate to ask this kind of question in the Issues section of Github. An "issue" is more like a bug report. I don't have a forum for asking questions like yours, so I don't mind, but it's bad form generally.

Thanks for your prompt reply and GitHub etiquette lesson - I'm new to "contributing" on this platform and I appreciate the feedback.

I followed your guide to a T - did not deviate from anything - and it worked in the AC66U.

Also, I'm not entirely sure I was clear enough in my question - if you don't mind me continuing to use the Issues section (let me know if I should PM you instead). I'm trying to set up 2 different services on 2 different subdomains - ie


Is this possible to do?

If this is not possible, there is no problem - your script works flawlessly for the purpose you scripted it for, so I can't complain. Really good work on this! Appreciate it!

I followed your guide to a T - did not deviate from anything - and it worked in the AC66U.

Thanks for this info.

Your goal isn't clear to me. Your router has only one IP address. You can point two different services to this one IP address (with two DNS A records or via the CNAME approach I suggested previously). What you can't do is populate two different IP addresses because the router only has one.

This thread has now ventured far off topic. If you'd like to contact me further, please PM.