
Batch Convert Dreamcast Games to .GDI

cleberjorge opened this issue · 1 comments

Suggested improvements for the program when converting Dreamcast CHD games to GDI.

To perform a perfect extraction of Dreamcast games, the ideal is to rename the .chd games to track.chd

"Crazy Taxi.chd" to "track.chd"

By doing this, the game will extract the correct information to the .gdi

Example: (Open .gdi with NotePad++)
1 0 4 2352 track01.bin 0
2 450 0 2352 track02.raw 0
3 45000 4 2352 track03.bin 0

Once that's done, just rename the .gdi file to the game's original name "Crazy Taxi.gdi"

The namDHC program is limited when you want to batch convert multiple games, because the names of the games are the same.

My suggestion is to put an option in the program to carry out this conversion by keeping the games in their source folders
../Crazy Taxi/track.chd
../Crazy Taxi/track.gdi

../Crazy Taxi 2/track.chd
../Crazy Taxi 2/track.gdi

I hope this information and improvement tip is useful.

Ill look into it. Thanks for heads up.