some questions about installation and "demo_posetrack.m"
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lqy5150 commented
Dear professor,when i run the demo_posetrack.m,and there is a error:Undefined function or variable 'pt_cache_cnn_features'.what should i do?Besides,i installed the caffe (cpu-only),and didn't use CUDA, is it OK?
umariqb commented
Yes, using caffe without CUDA is fine. For undefined function error, you should run "startup.m" in the beginning.
lqy5150 commented
after i run "startup.m",and run "demo_posetrack.m",there is:
Invalid MEX-file '/media/liu/xuexi/Bishe/deepcut/external/caffe/matlab/+caffe/private/caffe_.mexa64':
/media/liu/xuexi/Bishe/deepcut/external/caffe/matlab/+caffe/private/caffe_.mexa64: undefined symbol: