
If a user isn't on the latest relase page, make it more obvious

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Feature/UX request I think:

When I Google/Bing/DDG "Umbraco v8 release" the page that's returned is Umbraco V 8.0.0 - which makes total sense, nothing Umbraco can do about it, and the search engine did return me what I asked it to.

It'd be neat if the "also available on Nuget" had some prompt that says "by the way this isn't the latest version", or if the "Latest release" was more prominent on the page. I just unwittingly pasted it straight into the VS Package manager and installed v8.0 into my project instead of 8.6.x 🤦‍♀️.


Hehe good one @liamlaverty - would be nice to point to the latest release here indeed (if it's v7 obviously point to the latest v7 release).

Hi @liamlaverty,

We're writing to let you know that we would love some help with this issue. We feel that this issue is ideal to flag for a community member to work on it. Once flagged here, folk looking for issues to work on will know to look at yours. Of course, please feel free work on this yourself ;-). If there are any changes to this status, we'll be sure to let you know.

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Submitted a PR: #642