
Nuget scores are a bit off, if previous nuget packages are unpublished.

Closed this issue · 1 comments

It looks like there are some cases where new packages will be given higher scores than they should because of the way the nuget package is published/managed.


When we work out the nuget score we attempt to get the published date and then work out the average by dividing total downloads / published date.

but if the developer unpublished all the old versions of the package then the publish date becomes the last one that is 'live' - this means we can get the wrong date (e.g today) and end up with a massive total per day - because the total is all downloads including now unpublished packages.

  • solution is to use the commitDate of a package in nuget not the publisheddate (so the day it is uploaded to nuget) - in most cases this will be the same date.

  • also when we calculate the score we do average * 6 months - if the package is younger than 6 months we should do avarage * package age.

pr incoming

Hiya @KevinJump,

Just wanted to let you know that we noticed that this issue got a bit stale and might not be relevant any more.

We will close this issue for now but we're happy to open it up again if you think it's still relevant (for example: it's a feature request that's not yet implemented, or it's a bug that's not yet been fixed).

To open it this issue up again, you can write @umbrabot still relevant in a new comment as the first line. It would be super helpful for us if on the next line you could let us know why you think it's still relevant.

For example:

@umbrabot still relevant
This bug can still be reproduced in version x.y.z

This will reopen the issue in the next few hours.

Thanks, from your friendly Umbraco GitHub bot 🤖 🙂