
Add "body" rich text copy field for Razor email workflow in addition to "header" and "footer"

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I noticed on a Umbraco Cloud project, where the customer have forms with worksflows, they have two workflows assigned.

New website request which use the standard email workflow and has a message field. This is sending an email internally to notify their marketing department.


Send email to user which use the send email (razor) workflow, which send a copy of the form submission to customer. This has fields for header and footer. However there it no field to write a message in "body" of email.

The header and footer text are often a smaller text in header and footer of email template. I think a body text could be useful as well, e.g. inserted above form submission and the customer requested this feature.


We could of course create our own workflow extending the default one.

A side note is that I think the form email template, should use a picker similar to template picker in macros to be consistent with most other pickers in core.


Umbraco 12.3.9
Forms 12.2.3

Am wondering if you can't just use the header for this? As I recall that was the intention when we added these - header goes above the form submission details and footer below. So if you wanted to add more text above the form submission, you would just write longer copy in the "header" field.

Yes, I guess it depends on the design:

If the email template has a dedicated header and footer one may want to use the header and footer fields here, while having a message field in the regular body text.

I see. Yes, agree you could have a design where you want to have separation between the header and body, even if both are above the form submission detail.

We'll include this additional field on the workflow in the next minor releases for Forms 13 and 14.