
Contact form template doesn't show up

Closed this issue · 2 comments

As noticed in #1169 I added a custom form template with "Create form".
This seems to exclude default forms template.


How if I add a I add another one for contactform.json copied from NuGet package, it doesn't seem to show up.

If I rename contactform.json to basicform.json it does show up.


I think it could be nice if there from backoffice was a "Save as template" for existing form to make this easier.

Umbraco: 13.3.1
Forms: 13.1.2

I think you'll just have to make sure you don't clash with the two names of files provided by the package itself - which is contactform.json and commentform.json.

I can see why it would be a problem if you choose the same name. As we are shipping these template as part of the "static assets" RCL, they are virtually made available at the App_Plugins\UmbracoForms\Data\Templates path. And if you have another file with the same name actually at that physical path, it'll be picked up instead. Just in the same way as you can't have two files with the same name in a folder.

I don't see there's a way around this so think it'll just have to be something to avoid - and choose a different file name.

Okay, I guess it could be solved by prefixing the template, e.g. mcb_contactform.json or if the ones shipped with Umbraco Forms RCL was prefixed umb_ or uf_.