
[gemkeyboard] keycodes

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Gemwin keycode reports through [gemkeyboard] are working only in Capital letters.
Also, non english keyboard is not taken into account (testing with french keyboard layout).

what's worse is that the keycodes are highly dependent on the actual windowing backend.

here's a test with a german keyboard layout:

windowing backend key combination normal printout gemkeyboard
glfw3 A a 65
glfw3 Shift_L+A A 340 65
glfw3 Ö ö 59
glfw3 Shift_R+Ö Ö 344 59
glut A a 97
glut Shift_L+A A 112 65
glut Ö ö 246
glut Shift_R+Ö Ö 113 214
glx A a 38
glx Shift_L+A A 50 38
glx Ö ö 47
glx Shift_R+Ö Ö 62 47
sdl A a 38
sdl Shift_L+A A 50 38
sdl Ö ö 47
sdl Shift_R+Ö Ö 62 47
sdl2 A a 4
sdl2 Shift_L+A A 225 4
sdl2 Ö ö 51
sdl2 Shift_R+Ö Ö 229 51

as you can see

  • some backends will include capitalisation (glut), while others will not (glfw3, glx, sdl, sdl2`)
  • some backends will use unicode points (glut at least for the printable characters, but notably not for Shift), others will almost use ASCII (glfw3 where it works for A but not for Ö), some will use XKeyCodes (glx, sdl) and some will use their own (sdl2)

traditionally i've always been torn between exposing low-level functionality and normalizing the output so it is consistent across all windowing backends and platforms.
in practice, normalizing the output is a task that i have no hope of implementing.

the important takeaway is, that you should not consider the output of [gemkeyboard] to be an ASCII value (or unicode point).
it's a number that represents a given key, not a letter.

see also #15