
Swaped columns in temporalBehavior output

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In the third data frame (point3) from the following output for temporalBehavior function, 'speed' and 'direction' columns have been swaped for some unknown reasons ...

`df <- data.frame(x = c(168.33,
y = c(-17.73,
pointNames <- c("Port_Vila",

cols <- c("blue", "red", "gray")

rownames(df) <- pointNames

sds <- defStormsDataset()

st <- defStormsList(sds = sds, loi = "Vanuatu", names = "PAM", verbose = 1)

points(df$x, df$y, pch = 3, col = cols)
text(df$x, df$y, labels = pointNames, pos = 2, col = cols, cex = 0.8)

TS <- temporalBehaviour(st, points = df, product = "TS", tempRes = 0.5, verbose = 0)`

Solved in a2c5577.