
This tool makes suggestions based on the keyword provided, using the Google Keyword Planner API.

Primary LanguagePython

Keyword Planner

"Buy Me A Coffee"

This tool makes suggestions based on the keyword provided, using the Google Keyword Planner API.

This tool allows you to save keywords as CSV and also contains search volumes for keywords.


chmod +x scripts/install.sh
./scripts/install.sh [customer_id] [developer_token] [client_id] [client_secret] [refresh_token]

Tested on macOS Sonoma 14.5 and Debian 12


usage: kwplanner [-h] --customer-id CUSTOMER_ID [--keyword KEYWORD [KEYWORD ...]] [--output OUTPUT] [--quiet]

Google Ads API keyword suggestion tool

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --customer-id CUSTOMER_ID, -c CUSTOMER_ID
                        Google Ads customer ID
  --keyword KEYWORD [KEYWORD ...], -w KEYWORD [KEYWORD ...]
                        Keyword to get suggestions for
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Output file name for the keyword suggestions
  --quiet, -q           Suppress output to console


Rename output csv file

kwplanner -q -c [CUSTOMER_ID] -w [KEYWORD] --output example

Reorder the output csv file

kwplanner -q -w keyword | sort -k3,3n -t',' keyword.csv