
publish pre-build wheels (manylinux)

ssbarnea opened this issue · 5 comments

Installing python-slugify can takes ages as due to recompilation. It would prove very useful if pre-build wheels would also be published to pypi.

As a note, github actions can be used to produce binaries for almost any platform, including arm64. There is no need to cover all platforms, including linux and macos x64 would probably already cover most use case. Once the project has

I am not yet sure if that is only a performance issue but even after 10mins, pip is still stuck trying to build it.

Processing /Users/ssbarnea/Library/Caches/pip/wheels/11/94/81/312969455540cb0e6a773e5d68a73c14128bfdfd4a7969bb4f/python_slugify-4.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl

un33k commented

@ssbarnea Be great if you can create a PR. Thx

Was having the same issue. Since the correct info in setup.cfg is already there, it's a matter of publishing the wheel correctly, no PR needed.

python setup.py bdist_wheel

See https://packaging.python.org/guides/distributing-packages-using-setuptools/#wheels @un33k

un33k commented

I was hoping for a publish.sh where it would run ...

python setup.py publish && python setup.py bdist_wheel

I guess I can run them manually as well ..

@thijstriemstra - Thanks for your comment. I'll push this up soon.

make sure the wheel contains everything you want, or you might need an MANIFEST.in file..

un33k commented

Back to my original call for a PR ...