These are the config files for zsh,tmux, hyperterm, intellij, clion, ctags, and everything else I need to be productive on my computer. These settings are primarily tailored for a macOS setting, if you would like to see my linux configurations, please switch over to the manjaro branch :)
Since this is on macOS, I use homebrew as my package manager. To install
run the command /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
in the
terminal and you're all good to go! I have installed packages such as neovim,
macvim, python 3 and many others.
I use zsh as my main shell. To set up, use the command chsh -s /bin/zsh
make zsh your default shell. If you would like to revert to your previous shell
just run the previous command again but replace /bin/zsh
with the shell of
your choice. Then run the command ln -s dotfiles/zsh/zshrc.symlink ~/.zshrc
make a soft link.
I use both Vim and Neovim depending on my needs. Vim has plugins that make it a great light editor for almost any language but primarily for web development, and Neovim on the other hand tweaked specifically for C/C++ and Javascript with the YouCompleteMe plugin.
tmux is a great tool that I use to manage multiple terminal sessions all while
being able to keep my hands on my keyboard instead of having to reach for a
mouse. To set up run the command ln -s dotfiles/tmux/tmux.conf.symlink ~/.tmux.conf