Leaving the the code running in inactive browser tab for 2+ minutes breaks the code
bohdanafanasyev opened this issue · 2 comments
After coming back to the tab where the code was executed for 2-3 minutes it did break the interval and letterInterval
Browser: Chrome Version 58.0.3029.110 (64-bit) on OS X
Same happens to me! It starts out ok but after a while it get really messy. Characters are repeated and the speed is really fast. I can't see any errors in the JS console.
The strange thing is that I based my site on the template https://themeforest.net/item/itsme-responsive-vcardcvresume-template/19665121 and while runnig that static htmlI do not get the error.
The error only shows up on my own website www.oakstair.se
I am using Chrome Version 60.0.3112.113 (64 bitar)
I gave up on this project and created my own instead. See https://github.com/oakstair/typist