
A suggestion for player that use offline skins (such as skins from resource packs)

sutartart opened this issue · 2 comments

I found this mod while I was looking for new mods, I was interested so I'd give it a try. But then I just realized skins applied from resource pack won't work, which is kind of unfortunate because I spent hours designing my character without researching first about this. The reason I use resource pack instead of uploading it to mojang is because I don't have a premium account, yet. 😢


My idea ( first one is preferred )

  1. What if you make an in-game configuration to modify some feature just like on the website you've created? OR
  2. An in-game skin editor? OR
  3. Add support for skins from resource packs?

Sorry that I asked too much hehe.

It's understandable if it won't work out because I saw other people discussing about this too.

Currently I'm on 1.16.5 | 1.4.5_01 (Fabric) [ I can't run minecraft above 1.17 :c ]

@sutartart you can set up a paper server with fake skins to circumvent that issue


Is there something like that for Forge?