
Chapter 6 - Corrections

entropidelic opened this issue · 0 comments

  • Importing libraries:

    • Turing
    • Distributions
    • StatsPlots
  • There should be more references for the formulas used. For the formula of escape velocity, Khatri, Poudel, Gautam, M.K., P.R., A.K. (2010). Principles of Physics. Kathmandu: Ayam Publication. pp. 170, 171. [ISBN]

  • Some obvious writing errors like "velocity of escape" instead of "escape velocity".

  • The arrow → over the letter means that the quantity have a direction in space, in our case, gravity is pointing to the center of the Earth, or Mars.

    change to:

    The arrow → over the letter means that the quantity has a direction in space, in our case, gravity is pointing to the center of the Earth, or Mars.

  • But what are the trayectory of the proyectile? and how the coordinates x and y evolve with time?

    change to:

    But what is the trajectory of the projectile? and how do the coordinates x and y evolve with time?

  • What the equations tell us?

    change to:

    What to these equations tell us?

  • but how we interpret that?

    change to:

    but how do we interpret that?

  • Same comment as in Chapter 5 for the plotting and labels settings - We should stick to one way of doing this, in my opinion by setting the labels inside the plotting function. For example, instead of this:

        plot(Uniform(0,10),xlim=(-1,11), ylim=(0,0.2), legend=false, fill=(0, .5,:lightblue))
        title!("Uniform prior distribution for g")

    we should have this:

     plot(Uniform(0,10),xlim=(-1,11), ylim=(0,0.2), legend=false, fill=(0, .5,:lightblue), title="Uniform prior distribution for g", xlabel="g_mars", ylabel="Probability")
  • g ∼ Distribution_to_be_proposed()

    This is not very nice, we can change that LaTeX equation to something like

    g ~ Proposed distribution

  • Lots of typos and writing mistakes.