
Issue with pgAdmin4 web

naturel-eol opened this issue · 1 comments

I installed pgAdmin4 (v7.4) web with uWSGI (v2.0.15).
When I launch a backup proccess in pgAdmin UI, I have this error :

2023-09-29 11:24:29,609: DEBUG  pgadmin:        **Process Watcher Err:/usr/bin/uwsgi-core: option '--file' is ambiguous; possibilities: '--file-serve-mode' '--fileserve-mode' '--file-write'**
getopt_long() error

I think the problem comes from uWSGI_core which interprets the backup command for postgres.
The backupo command is like this

pg_dump --file "test-bkp.sql" --host="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.eu-west-3.rds.amazonaws.com" --port="5432" --username="xxxx" --verbose --format=c --blobs "xxxxx"

How can I solve this please ?

xrmx commented

You have to fix whatever is using uwsgi-core as a binary instead of pg_dump.