
on ubuntu getting error on update from 1.3.3 to 1.3.4

KBYSHanahira opened this issue · 8 comments


IDK What happened , but i still work on 1.3.3

I also get the same error when I install the module on Windows 10.

I also get the same error when I install the module on Windows 10.

It is probably a warning not an error as much as I can see.

The problem is that it shows me these errors when I didn't have them before:

  <rejected> TypeError [ReqResourceType]: The resource must be a string, Buffer or a valid file stream.
      at DataResolver.resolveFile (/home/container/node_modules/discord.js/src/util/DataResolver.js:136:11)
      at MessagePayload.resolveFile (/home/container/node_modules/discord.js/src/structures/MessagePayload.js:258:54)
      at /home/container/node_modules/discord.js/src/structures/MessagePayload.js:223:85
      at Array.map (<anonymous>)
      at MessagePayload.resolveFiles (/home/container/node_modules/discord.js/src/structures/MessagePayload.js:223:56)
      at TextChannel.send (/home/container/node_modules/discord.js/src/structures/interfaces/TextBasedChannel.js:161:50)
      at module.exports.run (/home/container/src/events/poruEvents/player/trackStart.js:92:10)
      at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) {
    code: 'ReqResourceType'
} TypeError [ReqResourceType]: The resource must be a string, Buffer or a valid file stream.
    at DataResolver.resolveFile (/home/container/node_modules/discord.js/src/util/DataResolver.js:136:11)
    at MessagePayload.resolveFile (/home/container/node_modules/discord.js/src/structures/MessagePayload.js:258:54)
    at /home/container/node_modules/discord.js/src/structures/MessagePayload.js:223:85
    at Array.map (<anonymous>)
    at MessagePayload.resolveFiles (/home/container/node_modules/discord.js/src/structures/MessagePayload.js:223:56)
    at TextChannel.send (/home/container/node_modules/discord.js/src/structures/interfaces/TextBasedChannel.js:161:50)
    at module.exports.run (/home/container/src/events/poruEvents/player/trackStart.js:92:10)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) {
  code: 'ReqResourceType'
TypeError [ReqResourceType]: The resource must be a string, Buffer or a valid file stream.
    at DataResolver.resolveFile (/home/container/node_modules/discord.js/src/util/DataResolver.js:136:11)
    at MessagePayload.resolveFile (/home/container/node_modules/discord.js/src/structures/MessagePayload.js:258:54)
    at /home/container/node_modules/discord.js/src/structures/MessagePayload.js:223:85
    at Array.map (<anonymous>)
    at MessagePayload.resolveFiles (/home/container/node_modules/discord.js/src/structures/MessagePayload.js:223:56)
    at TextChannel.send (/home/container/node_modules/discord.js/src/structures/interfaces/TextBasedChannel.js:161:50)
    at module.exports.run (/home/container/src/events/poruEvents/player/trackStart.js:92:10)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

@KBYSHanahira @ZenoXTV the issue is fixed in 1.3.5

@flam3face Thank a lot of for update <3
but i have new issue
the font is square box in version 1.3.5
idk what happend with my font file else or some thing

@flam3face Thank a lot of for update <3
but i have new issue
the font is square box in version 1.3.5
idk what happend with my font file else or some thing

Probably title has some special characters that the font can't render

i try change font in node_modules/musicard/build/index.js :

i try in microsoft word to test font :

and on version 1.3.3 font work :

also i will happy in 1.3.4 can use .webp to show picture work !!!
Cheers to @flam3face , you've done well. Thank you for always helping

@KBYSHanahira i use same font in all version