How can i add and eval_ritm argument ?
edmundman opened this issue · 1 comments
edmundman commented
Trying to run the demo and i get this error, the pth is in the main directory.
D:\Code\SimpleClick>python --checkpoint cocolvis_vit_huge.pth
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Code\SimpleClick\", line 59, in
File "D:\Code\SimpleClick\", line 18, in main
model = utils.load_is_model(checkpoint_path, args.device, cpu_dist_maps=True)
TypeError: load_is_model() missing 1 required positional argument: 'eval_ritm'
qinliuliuqin commented
The issue has been fixed.
You only need to add "--eval-ritm" if you are evaluating RITM models.
Thank you!