
指定のユーザーのみが NFT を発行できるサービス

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Translations: English | 日本語

Polygon Whitelist NFT

This repository is a sample code for UNCHAIN Polygon Whitelist NFT.

How to Run

1. Fork this repository

2. Sign in to ChainIDE

Open ChainIDE, and click the "Try Now" button on the front page as shown in the figure below.

Open ChainIDE

Then, sign in using GitHub.

Sign in to ChainIDE

3. Import the project

Click on "New Project".

New Project

Select "Polygon" and click on "Import Project" under Private Template.

Import Project

Set it up as shown below and click on "Confirm Import".

  • Github URL: Your forked Polygon-Whitelist-NFT
  • Choose branch: main

Confirm Import

4. Setting up metadata

Configure metadata settings by referring to here.

5. Deploy the contract

Deploy the contract to Polygon's testnet Mumbai with reference to here.

6. Configure and start the client

Within the packages/client folder, create a .env.local file and add the following.


Copy your Shield contract address from the Deploy panel. and set it in the .env.local file.

Get Shield contract address



Launch the Sandbox within ChainIDE.

Click to add Sandbox

In the root of the project, execute the following commands in sequence:

# Install dependencies
yarn install

# Generate artifacts in the client folder
yarn contract compile

# Start the client
yarn client dev

Configure the port settings and access the application by referring to here!