
RequiredFields does not display a message if the FileAttachmentField is required

Opened this issue · 7 comments

FileAttachmentField::create('Image', '')
$validator = new RequiredFields('Title','Image')

It does not let me save the object but gives no message or indication that I need to upload a file.

Same issue, is there a solution on the way?


There is no $Message variable in the FileAttachmentField_holder.ss template

You need to add
<% if Message %>$Message<% end_if %>

This is the top of my template:

<% if $Title %><label class="left" for="$ID">$Title</label><% end_if %>
<% if $LeftTitle %><div class="subtitle"> $LeftTitle </div><% end_if %>
<% if $Description %><div class="subtitle"> $Description </div><% end_if %>
<% if Message %><span class="help-block $MessageType">$Message</span><% end_if %>
............................................. ............................................. .............................................
tomzi commented

I have the same problem and i tried to add <% if Message %>$Message<% end_if %> at the top of the template but nothing happened...Could you be more specific please?
Thank you


<% if $Title %><label class="left" for="$ID">$Title</label><% end_if %>
<% if $LeftTitle %><div class="subtitle"> $LeftTitle </div><% end_if %>
<% if $Description %><div class="subtitle"> $Description </div><% end_if %>
<% if Message %><span class="help-block $MessageType">$Message</span><% end_if %>

<% if $IsMultiple && $CanUpload %> <%t Dropzone.ATTACHFILESHEREOR "Dra en eller flera filer hit eller" %> <% else_if $CanUpload %> <%t Dropzone.ATTACHFILEHEREOR "Dra en fil hit eller" %> <% end_if %> <% if $CanUpload && $CanAttach %>
<% end_if %> <% if $CanUpload || $CanAttach %> <% if $CanUpload %>[<%t Dropzone.BROWSEYOURCOMPUTER "browse your computer" %>]<% end_if %> <% if $CanUpload && $CanAttach %> <%t Dropzone.OR " or " %> <% end_if %> <% if $CanAttach %>[<%t Dropzone.CHOOSEEXISTING "choose from existing files" %>]<% end_if %> <% end_if %>

    <ul data-container data-attachments class="file-attachment-field-previews $View">
        <% if $AttachedFiles %>
            <% loop $AttachedFiles %>
                <% include FileAttachmentField_attachments File=$Me, Scope=$Up %>
            <% end_loop %>
        <% end_if %>
    <div class="attached-file-inputs" data-input-name="$InputName">
        <% if $AttachedFiles %>
            <% loop $AttachedFiles %>
            <input class="input-attached-file" type="hidden" name="$Up.InputName" value="$ID">
            <% end_loop %>
        <% end_if %>
    <div class="attached-file-deletions" data-input-name="$InputName"></div>
    <div style="clear:both;"></div>
    <% if not $AutoProcess %>        
        <button class="process" data-auto-process><%t Dropzone.UPLOADFILES "Upload file(s)" %></button>
    <% end_if %>
<div class="unsupported">
    <p><strong><%t Dropzone.NOTSUPPORTED "Your browser does not support HTML5 uploads. Please update to a newer version." %></strong></p>


Thanks for this, everyone. Can someone please submit the necessary update as a PR?

I added it as part of this PR: #59

@unclecheese Can you please close this?