
Saving into DataObjects not just files

Closed this issue · 2 comments

@unclecheese is one able to use it to save has_many objects other than Files, so that e.g. an item can have a custom title, caption along with the file?

It's a nice idea, but it's really out of scope for this module. It's just an upload field, and I think it's best kept that way. I see your point that it's just one field, (e.g. Title), but that just opens the door to everything under the sun (has_one dropdowns, datepicker fields, nested uploads.. oh the humanity...)

I believe Dropzone now works with the GridFieldBulkUpload (???) component, which would be a more appropriate and scalable way for you to enjoy functionality like this.

Yeah I was just asking to see if it existed since it's not documented. There's no Silverstripe public Slack is there? :) Thanks! I'll look into integration with GFBU. I really like the cleanliness of Dropzone, but I guess it'll need to be a Gridfield after all.