
Add TransformedDataset class in order to enable inference for stochastic states

cweniger opened this issue · 1 comments

Goal: Strategy for generating posteriors for parameters with implicit priors.

  • Parameters are part of the model prediction
  • Original priors and simulations are defined as before
  • Dataset is the thing that provides information about priors, bounds and parameter names
    • We should tweak the dataset to change the expected results
  • We could have some transformed dataset?
    • Overwrite: pnames, v, bound, prior
    • The prior would have to be defined empirically, based on the distribution of the parameter in the training set.

Suggestion: TransformedDataset(dataset, sim_to_v, pnames, eff_prior, eff_bound)

In v0.4 everything is based on implicit priors by construction. Closed