
Using Vuelidate more easily with Vue Material

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Using Vuelidate more easily in Vue Material

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Vuelidate is a model-based validation for Vue.js that decouples JavaScript validation nicely from Vue templates. On the downside, it may lead to lengthy Vue expressions and repetitions.

The components in this package let you write concise Vuelidate validations for Vue Material input elements.

For example, an input field like this one ...

<md-field :class="{ 'md-invalid': $v.username.$error }">
  <md-input type="text" v-model="$v.username.$model" />
  <span class="md-error" v-if="!$v.username.maxLength">
    Must not be longer than {{ $v.username.$params.maxLength.max }} chars

... becomes:

  <md-input type="text" v-model="username" />
  <md-vuelidated-msg constraint="maxLength" v-slot="{ max }">
    Must not be longer than {{ max }} chars

Here is a more extensive online example (source code) of how this package can be used.

There are more benefits than just concise markup:


As a module:

$ npm install @undecaf/vue-material-vuelidate
$ yarn add @undecaf/vue-material-vuelidate

Included as <script>:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@undecaf/vue-material-vuelidate/dist/components.css">
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@undecaf/vue-material-vuelidate/dist/components.min.js"></script>

Please note: this module needs the CSP to allow unsafe-eval (same as for the full Vue build). For your reassurance: nevertheless, no eval() inside!

Registering the components

import MdVuelidated from '@undecaf/vue-material-vuelidate'
import '@undecaf/vue-material-vuelidate/dist/components.css'
// This must come after Vue.use(VueMaterial) and Vue.use(Vuelidate):

This registers <md-vuelidated> and <md-vuelidated-msg> globally.

Validating Vue Material input elements

In order to validate an <md-field>, <md-autocomplete>, <md-chips> or <md-datepicker> field (see here for providing validation messages):

  • Replace that tag with <md-vuelidated>.
  • Pass the replaced tag name as property field (defaults to md-field).
  • Place v-model on an input element (<input> or <textarea>) or on <md-vuelidated>.
  • Express constraints in the validations object of your component in the usual way.

The following examples assume that a suitable validations object has been defined.

Basic usage

Validating text:

<md-vuelidated>    <!-- becomes an <md-field> by default -->
  <label>Enter your email address</label>
  <md-input type="email" v-model.trim="mail" />

Validating a selection:

  <label>Select at most two toppings</label>
  <md-select v-model="toppings" multiple>
    <md-option value="1">Pepperoni</md-option>
    <md-option value="2">Mushrooms</md-option>
    <md-option value="3">Onions</md-option>

Validating an autocomplete field:

<md-vuelidated field="md-autocomplete" :md-options="colors" v-model="color">
  <label>Select a color</label>

Validating a chips field:

<md-vuelidated field="md-chips" md-placeholder="Enter keywords" v-model="keywords">

Validating a date:

<md-vuelidated field="md-datepicker" v-model="dateOfBirth">
  <label>Your date of birth</label>

Data nesting

Just use the nested path as the v-model, e.g.

  <md-input type="url" v-model.trim="www.home" />

Collections validation with v-for

v-for can be placed on <md-vuelidated> or on a parent element. In any case, <md-vuelidated> requires a key that is bound to the v-for index.

Let's assume that comments is an array with elements like { text: 'blah' } or an object with such members. Then an input field for each comment can be rendered and validated as follows:

<md-vuelidated v-for="(_, index) in comments" :key="index">
  <textarea v-model="comments[index].text"></textarea>

If v-for is on a parent element then <md-vuelidated> needs a copy of the key:

<div v-for="(_, i) in comments" :key="i">
  <md-vuelidated :key="i">
    <textarea v-model="comments[i].text"></textarea>

The v-for index should be named index. In nested v-for blocks, indices must be named index1, index2 etc.

Providing validation messages

Validation messages can be specified in two ways both of which can be combined:

  1. As the messages property of <md-vuelidated>, bound to an object containing the message for each Vuelidate constraint, e.g. :messages="{ required: 'This field is required' }".

    These messages appear below the corresponding input field.

  2. As <md-vuelidated-msg> elements, either enclosed in <md-vuelidated> tags or detached. Property constraint must be set to the Vuelidate constraint name. For detached messages, the constraint name must be qualified with the model name, see the examples below.

    Enclosed messages appear below the corresponding input field.

If multiple validations fail at the same time then only the first one (in declaration order) displays a message.

Enclosed messages

Using the messages property:

      required: 'Your mail address is required',
      email: 'Not a valid mail address',
  <md-input type="email" v-model.trim="mail" />

As <md-vuelidated-msg> tags:

  <label>Enter your email address</label>
  <md-input type="email" v-model.trim="mail" />
  <md-vuelidated-msg constraint="required">Your mail address is required</md-vuelidated-msg>
  <md-vuelidated-msg constraint="email">Not a valid mail address</md-vuelidated-msg>

Both methods can be combined.

Detached messages

Messages outside of <md-vuelidated> blocks need their constraint property to be qualified with the model name (often the collection name):

<md-vuelidated v-for="(_, index) in comments" :key="index">
  <textarea v-model="comments[index].text"></textarea>

<!-- Detached message, referring to collection 'comments' -->
<md-vuelidated-msg constraint="comments.maxLength">Too many comments!</md-vuelidated-msg>

Accessing validator parameters

The parameters of the constraint validator are available as a v-slot:

<md-vuelidated-msg constraint="comments.maxLength" v-slot="params">
  You may not author more than {{ params.max }} comments

Object destructuring lets us express this more elegantly:

<md-vuelidated-msg constraint="comments.maxLength" v-slot="{ max }">
  You may not author more than {{ max }} comments


Software: MIT

Documentation: CC-BY-SA 4.0