
Code mistake (5.2)

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5.2 Functions and A Better Abstraction:

def  abstraction(end:  Int,  f:  ???):  Int  =
     this  match  {
          case  End  =>  end
          case  Pair(hd,  tl)  =>  f(hd,  tl.abstraction(f,  end)) //Mistake

tl.abstraction(f, end) parameters should be swapped: tl.abstraction(end, f)

C.4.6 Solution to: A Better Abstraction:

def  fold(end:  Int,  f:  (Int,  Int)  =>  Int):  Int  =
     this  match  {
          case  End  =>  end
          case  Pair(hd,  tl)  =>  f(hd,  tl.fold(f,  end)) //Mistake

tl.fold(f, end) parameters should be swapped: tl.fold(end, f)