Support for extensible records
rfuerst87 opened this issue · 3 comments
I've been playing around with slickless for the past few days. I'm particularly interested in getting extensible records to work with slick. A "record projection" would be a nice feature IMHO. Either by providing a RecordShape
or by a MappedProjection
class Users(tag: Tag) extends Table[Long :: String :: HNil](tag, "users") {
def id = column[Long]( "id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc )
def email = column[String]("email")
def * = ('id ->> id) :: ('email ->> email) :: HNil // support by RecordShape
// or
def * = (id :: email :: HNil).mappedWithRecord('id :: 'email :: HNil) // support by MappedProjection
As I just started my journey with shapeless, I could not get any of these two approaches to work. The closest I could come up with is a non working MappedProjection:
def mappedWithRecord[R <: HList : ClassTag, U <: HList, K <: HList](keys: K)
shape: Shape[_ <: FlatShapeLevel, T, U, _]) =
new MappedProjection[R, U](
((f: HList) => f.zipWithKeys(keys)).asInstanceOf[Any => Any], // compiler error: could not find implicit value for parameter withKeys: shapeless.ops.hlist.ZipWithKeys[K,shapeless.HList]
((g: HList) => ???).asInstanceOf[Any => Any],
So basically my two questions are:
- Would it even be possible to provide a
? Unfortunately I could not even figure out where to start... - Why can't the compile find the implicit parameter
in the code above? What am I missing?
Hello @rfuerst87 - just wanted to let you know that Dave, Miles, and I are mostly going to be tied up on work and conference preparation for a while. So just wanted to say hi 👋 and let you know we'll try to look into this, but it may be quiet for at least a couple of weeks.
Hi @d6y, no worries. I'd be super happy if you could look into this once you have some spare time. Meanwhile I'll post my progress here (if there is any).
I've been (manually) seeing what a simple record might look like with slickless in a branch. Nothing much to see: (but everything is in RecordShapeSpec.scala)
From what I recall the mappedWith
code uses existing case class mapping to do the work. I guess that could be an option for records too. I think it depends on what we want the T
to be in a Slick Table[T]
: a record? a case class? I've been assuming working in terms of records is the way forward, but that might be a false assumption.