class > 22 fields stops compiling
josefstr opened this issue · 6 comments
Trying to compile the following code with slickless never finishes compilation:
import slick.driver.SQLiteDriver.api._
import shapeless.{::, HNil}
object DataHolder2 {
lazy val tradeConfirmationTable = TableQuery[TradeConfirmationTable]
class TradeConfirmationTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: HNil](tag, "trade.confirmation") {
def accountId = column[String]("accountId")
def acctAlias = column[String]("acctAlias")
def symbol = column[String]("symbol")
def description = column[String]("description")
def assetCategory = column[String]("assetCategory")
def multiplier = column[String]("multiplier")
def currency = column[String]("currency")
def tradeDate = column[String]("tradeDate")
def dateTime = column[String]("dateTime")
def orderType = column[String]("orderType")
def buySell = column[String]("buySell")
def quantity = column[String]("quantity")
def price = column[String]("price")
def amount = column[String]("amount")
def commission = column[String]("commission")
def exchange = column[String]("exchange")
def model = column[String]("model")
def conid = column[String]("conid")
def securityID = column[String]("securityID")
def securityIDType = column[String]("securityIDType")
def cusip = column[String]("cusip")
def isin = column[String]("isin")
def underlyingConid = column[String]("underlyingConid")
def underlyingSymbol = column[String]("underlyingSymbol")
def issuer = column[String]("issuer")
def strike = column[String]("strike")
def expiry = column[String]("expiry")
def putCall = column[String]("putCall")
def transactionType = column[String]("transactionType")
def tradeID = column[String]("tradeID")
def orderID = column[String]("orderID")
def execID = column[String]("execID")
def brokerageOrderID = column[String]("brokerageOrderID")
def orderReference = column[String]("orderReference")
def volatilityOrderLink = column[String]("volatilityOrderLink")
def clearingFirmID = column[String]("clearingFirmID")
def origTradePrice = column[String]("origTradePrice")
def origTradeDate = column[String]("origTradeDate")
def origTradeID = column[String]("origTradeID")
def orderTime = column[String]("orderTime")
def reportDate = column[String]("reportDate")
def settleDate = column[String]("settleDate")
def proceeds = column[String]("proceeds")
def brokerExecutionCommission = column[String]("brokerExecutionCommission")
def brokerClearingCommission = column[String]("brokerClearingCommission")
def thirdPartyExecutionCommission = column[String]("thirdPartyExecutionCommission")
def thirdPartyClearingCommission = column[String]("thirdPartyClearingCommission")
def thirdPartyRegulatoryCommission = column[String]("thirdPartyRegulatoryCommission")
def otherCommission = column[String]("otherCommission")
def commissionCurrency = column[String]("commissionCurrency")
def tax = column[String]("tax")
def code = column[String]("code")
def levelOfDetail = column[String]("levelOfDetail")
def traderID = column[String]("traderID")
def isAPIOrder = column[String]("isAPIOrder")
def allocatedTo = column[String]("allocatedTo")
def * = accountId :: acctAlias :: symbol :: description :: assetCategory :: multiplier :: currency :: tradeDate :: dateTime :: orderType :: buySell :: quantity :: price :: amount :: commission :: exchange :: model :: conid :: securityID :: securityIDType :: cusip :: isin :: underlyingConid :: underlyingSymbol :: issuer :: strike :: expiry :: putCall :: transactionType :: tradeID :: orderID :: execID :: brokerageOrderID :: orderReference :: volatilityOrderLink :: clearingFirmID :: origTradePrice :: origTradeDate :: origTradeID :: orderTime :: reportDate :: settleDate :: proceeds :: brokerExecutionCommission :: brokerClearingCommission :: thirdPartyExecutionCommission :: thirdPartyClearingCommission :: thirdPartyRegulatoryCommission :: otherCommission :: commissionCurrency :: tax :: code :: levelOfDetail :: traderID :: isAPIOrder :: allocatedTo :: HNil
val pk = primaryKey("trade.confirmation_pkey", accountId :: orderID :: execID :: HNil)
I think an upgrade of shapeless to 2.3.0-SNAPSHOT will most likely improve compilation time significantly. Can you give it a try?
Same with version 2.3.0-SNAPSHOT, after running 45minutes on this simple class I've canceled compilation.
@josefstr can you let me know if this build with your code gives you the same problems?
this compiled fine.
@josefstr the code is the code you posted --- unless I messed that up --- and compiling it produced a stack overflow exception quite quickly (a few seconds) initially for me.
So we added a -Xss
flag to increase the stack size, and that compiles without a stack overflow exception. I can't get long compile times out of this as it stands.
Is there something else to the code you're working with? Or does the increase stack size help you out here?