
class > 22 fields stops compiling

josefstr opened this issue · 6 comments

Trying to compile the following code with slickless never finishes compilation:

import slick.driver.SQLiteDriver.api._
import shapeless.{::, HNil}

object DataHolder2 {
  lazy val tradeConfirmationTable = TableQuery[TradeConfirmationTable]

  class TradeConfirmationTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: String :: HNil](tag, "trade.confirmation") {
    def accountId = column[String]("accountId")
    def acctAlias = column[String]("acctAlias")
    def symbol = column[String]("symbol")
    def description = column[String]("description")
    def assetCategory = column[String]("assetCategory")
    def multiplier = column[String]("multiplier")
    def currency = column[String]("currency")
    def tradeDate = column[String]("tradeDate")
    def dateTime = column[String]("dateTime")
    def orderType = column[String]("orderType")
    def buySell = column[String]("buySell")
    def quantity = column[String]("quantity")
    def price = column[String]("price")
    def amount = column[String]("amount")
    def commission = column[String]("commission")
    def exchange = column[String]("exchange")
    def model = column[String]("model")
    def conid = column[String]("conid")
    def securityID = column[String]("securityID")
    def securityIDType = column[String]("securityIDType")
    def cusip = column[String]("cusip")
    def isin = column[String]("isin")
    def underlyingConid = column[String]("underlyingConid")
    def underlyingSymbol = column[String]("underlyingSymbol")
    def issuer = column[String]("issuer")
    def strike = column[String]("strike")
    def expiry = column[String]("expiry")
    def putCall = column[String]("putCall")
    def transactionType = column[String]("transactionType")
    def tradeID = column[String]("tradeID")
    def orderID = column[String]("orderID")
    def execID = column[String]("execID")
    def brokerageOrderID = column[String]("brokerageOrderID")
    def orderReference = column[String]("orderReference")
    def volatilityOrderLink = column[String]("volatilityOrderLink")
    def clearingFirmID = column[String]("clearingFirmID")
    def origTradePrice = column[String]("origTradePrice")
    def origTradeDate = column[String]("origTradeDate")
    def origTradeID = column[String]("origTradeID")
    def orderTime = column[String]("orderTime")
    def reportDate = column[String]("reportDate")
    def settleDate = column[String]("settleDate")
    def proceeds = column[String]("proceeds")
    def brokerExecutionCommission = column[String]("brokerExecutionCommission")
    def brokerClearingCommission = column[String]("brokerClearingCommission")
    def thirdPartyExecutionCommission = column[String]("thirdPartyExecutionCommission")
    def thirdPartyClearingCommission = column[String]("thirdPartyClearingCommission")
    def thirdPartyRegulatoryCommission = column[String]("thirdPartyRegulatoryCommission")
    def otherCommission = column[String]("otherCommission")
    def commissionCurrency = column[String]("commissionCurrency")
    def tax = column[String]("tax")
    def code = column[String]("code")
    def levelOfDetail = column[String]("levelOfDetail")
    def traderID = column[String]("traderID")
    def isAPIOrder = column[String]("isAPIOrder")
    def allocatedTo = column[String]("allocatedTo")

    def * = accountId :: acctAlias :: symbol :: description :: assetCategory :: multiplier :: currency :: tradeDate :: dateTime :: orderType :: buySell :: quantity :: price :: amount :: commission :: exchange :: model :: conid :: securityID :: securityIDType :: cusip :: isin :: underlyingConid :: underlyingSymbol :: issuer :: strike :: expiry :: putCall :: transactionType :: tradeID :: orderID :: execID :: brokerageOrderID :: orderReference :: volatilityOrderLink :: clearingFirmID :: origTradePrice :: origTradeDate :: origTradeID :: orderTime :: reportDate :: settleDate :: proceeds :: brokerExecutionCommission :: brokerClearingCommission :: thirdPartyExecutionCommission :: thirdPartyClearingCommission :: thirdPartyRegulatoryCommission :: otherCommission :: commissionCurrency :: tax :: code :: levelOfDetail :: traderID :: isAPIOrder :: allocatedTo :: HNil

    val pk = primaryKey("trade.confirmation_pkey", accountId :: orderID :: execID :: HNil)

I think an upgrade of shapeless to 2.3.0-SNAPSHOT will most likely improve compilation time significantly. Can you give it a try?

Same with version 2.3.0-SNAPSHOT, after running 45minutes on this simple class I've canceled compilation.

d6y commented

@josefstr can you let me know if this build with your code gives you the same problems? https://github.com/d6y/slickless-issue-5

this compiled fine.

d6y commented

@josefstr the code is the code you posted --- unless I messed that up --- and compiling it produced a stack overflow exception quite quickly (a few seconds) initially for me.

So we added a -Xss flag to increase the stack size, and that compiles without a stack overflow exception. I can't get long compile times out of this as it stands.

Is there something else to the code you're working with? Or does the increase stack size help you out here?

d6y commented

@josefstr I'll close this ticket, but please re-open if you're still having problems.