
Feature/bs5 development -> src/sass/assets/understrap/_understrap.scss -> 44

schwarzpunkt opened this issue · 2 comments

.screen-reader-text {
@extend .sr-only;

should be
.screen-reader-text {
@extend .visually-hidden ;


Agreed, although I might do this to support both versions:

.screen-reader-text {
  @extend .sr-only !optional ;
  @extend .visually-hidden !optional;

Thanks again for pointing this out. We've ended up using @include visually-hidden();. You can see it in the develop branch, which should be released soon.

I also learned that font-awesome has a mixin and class for .sr-only, which is why it didn't technically fail in the child starter theme (though would fail if you don't use font-awesome and comment it out).