
Top-level List as data is not supported

Opened this issue · 2 comments

mrueg commented


A clear and concise description of the bug.

How to Reproduce

  1. Go to cel-playground
  2. Enter a valid JSON with a top-level array [ { "noun": "lion", "population": 123, "predator": true }, { "noun": "deer", "population": 456, "predator": false }, { "noun": "pigeon", "population": 789, "predator": false } ]
  3. Press Run
  4. View Output
  line 1: cannot unmarshal !!seq into map[string]interface {}

Expected Behavior

Top-level Array should be accepted as it's valid JSON. See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3833299/can-an-array-be-top-level-json-text


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

System Information

  • OS: [e.g. MacOS]
  • OS Version: [e.g. 12.0]
  • Language Version: [e.g. Go 1.17.5, Node 16.13.1]
  • Package Manager Version: [e.g. NPM 6.14.1]
  • Browser (if applicable): [e.g. Google Chrome]
  • Browser Version (if applicable): [e.g. 81.0.4044.138]

Additional Context

Here's an example: https://playcel.undistro.io/?content=H4sIAAAAAAAAA4WQSQrDMAxFryK09qZz66tUWRiilICxjAcohNy9ciB006Qb8XkfPYQm7F1xaPFJAWBqA4AwSA2EVpMfRZNZiyixelcWaOFwPH2bxKqS1HhJlRufzYa1Z06b1vPl%2BtM6OJ%2F3tXF88c65t%2Fvjj5hChwb5rW3OuqWPIRxECHH%2BAMP1TOcrAQAA

Hi @mrueg!
Thank you for opening this issue!
Yeah, it's really valid JSON. But I don't know how it could be accessible in CEL expression without a variable name.
Do you have any idea?

Putting the array into any variable, like the example below, should work..
Does it make sense for your case?


mrueg commented

Thanks for your response @matheusfm !
It's clearly an option, but might make things more difficult when applying custom CEL code afterwards (as I'd have to retrofit it) I've started a discussion in the cel-go repo as well.