Update: If you like a web version, you can visit Papers Pro This was built using the exceptional open-source H2O Wave framework in a few days. Check it out if you want to build apps for your ML projects in pure Python!
Do you love reading research papers? Or do you find reading papers intimidating? Or are you looking for annotated research papers that are much easier to understand?
If you are in any of the categories listed above, then you have arrived at the right place. I spend a lot of time reading papers. It is a crucial part of my ML work. If you want to do research or you want to be a better ML engineer, then you should read papers. This habit of reading papers will help you to remain updated with the field.
Note: I am a pen-paper guy. Nothing beats that pen-paper reading experience, but in the ongoing scenarios (pandemic, lockdown, etc.), I am not able to print the papers. Taking this as an opportunity to share my thought process, I will be sharing the annotated research papers in this repo. The order of the papers won't strictly be according to the timeline on arXiv. Sometimes I put a paper on hold and read it after a while.
PS: I cannot annotate all the papers I read, but if I liked one, then that will be uploaded here. Also, there will be blog posts for a few research papers that are really important.
Note: The annotated papers in this section are contributed by the community. As I cannot verify the annotation for each paper, I will lay out certain guidelines for annotations so that every annotated paper has same sections at least