
Suggestion: Have a list of games with unique names filtered out and why per system.

TomTurbine opened this issue · 3 comments

Figure it would be pretty good to have a list of games that you specifically had to program to filter out and why so people don't think its a bug or anything.

I've had a decision log on my to-do list for a long time. It's quite a lot of work.

Maybe, one day.

Ideally this takes the form of a viewable, interactive, filterable tree view in the GUI, either as a preview or an after-the-fact report. Considerations would need to be made for batch processing. Titles have "decisions" attached to them that the user can browse, including the following:

  • An audit trail for the stages a title went through to either be selected as a winner, or get knocked out by Retool.
  • Additional notes attached to the title (probably in clone lists) that give extra context around why a title was selected.

For example, for Sonic The Hedgehog (Japan, Europe, Korea) (En) , the audit trail might look like:

+ Chosen over `Sonic The Hedgehog (USA, Europe)` as a superset.
* Note: The Japanese Sonic the Hedgehog is in English, and features additional parallax scrolling in the background compared to the USA version.

For Sonic The Hedgehog (USA), it might look like:

+ Chosen over `Sonic The Hedgehog (USA, Europe) (Sonic Classic Collection)` as an original title, not a modern rip.
+ Chosen over `Sonic The Hedgehog (World) (Sonic Mega Collection)` as an original title, not a modern rip.
- Removed because `Sonic The Hedgehog (Japan, Europe, Korea) (En)` is a superset.

Looks cool, as long as it also handles clones and compilations, that should be plenty for most people.

That way they can look at "Punch Out" on the NES was filtered because it was just a clone of "Mike Tyson's Punch Out" or on the Game Boy that "Mystic Quest" was filtered as it was just a clone of "Final Fantasy - Adventure". Or 1Xtreme on the PSX being a clone of another game that doesn't even remotely sound the same.

Or when they have those compilation sets that have names that don't even mention all the titles in them.

But yeah, just having that list can help solve many people wondering "Where is this game I used to play" when they can just look for that name to find out it was also released under a different name.