
Nano Auth is a library that allows you to create authentication for your apps.

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Nano Auth

Nano Auth

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Nano Auth is a library that allows you to create authentication for your apps.


Strictly requires PHP 7.4.


Via Composer

$ composer require midorikocak/nanoauth



The Authentication class has 4 public methods that you can use:



namespace midorikocak\nanoauth;

interface AuthenticationInterface
    public function login(string $username, string $password): bool;

    public function logout(): void;

    public function isLogged(): bool;

    public function getLoggedUser();

To use it you should supply with a user repository.

$db = new Database(new PDO('sqlite::memory:'));
$userRepository = new UserRepository($db);
$auth = new Authentication($userRepository);

User implements UserInterface

A user object that we can authenticate should implemennt UserInterface.



namespace midorikocak\nanoauth;

interface UserInterface
    public function __construct(?string $id, string $username, string $email, string $password);

    public function getPassword(): string;

    public function getUsername(): string;

    public function getEmail(): string;

    public function getId(): ?string;

    public function setId(string $id): void;


To interact with user data, we need to supply user repository to our authentication object. If you want to use your own implementation of user repository, you can implement your own UserInnterface. Here repository constructor expects a NanoDB object.

$userRepository = new UserRepository($db);
$auth = new Authentication($userRepository);


To add authentication and authorization capabilities, you can use AuthorizationTrait in your App classes.

Let's say we created our app in this way:



use midorikocak\nanodb\Database;
use midorikocak\nanoauth\UserRepository;
use midorikocak\nanoauth\Authentication;

$db = new Database(new PDO('sqlite::memory:'));

$userRepository = new UserRepository($db);

$auth = new Authentication($userRepository);
$entryRepository = new Journal($db);
$app = new App($entryRepository);


To check login we should trigger checkLogin() method in our public methods.



use midorikocak\nanodb\Database;
use midorikocak\nanoauth\UserRepository;
use midorikocak\nanoauth\Authentication;
use midorikocak\nanoauth\AuthorizationTrait;

 class App
    use AuthorizationTrait;

    private Journal $journal;

    public function __construct(Journal $journal)
        $this->journal = $journal;

    public function addEntry(string $content)

        $entry = new Entry($content);


Mostly educational purposes.

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


$ composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CODE_OF_CONDUCT for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email mtkocak@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.