
Is popup is lost on changelist filter

Closed this issue · 1 comments

What version of Unfold are you using?

What version of Django are you using?

Did you checked changelog/commit history, if the bug is not already fixed?

Did you searched other issues, if the bug is not already fixed?

Did you checked documentation?

Are you able to replicate the bug in the demo site?
Yes: https://www.loom.com/share/48c0cfa65c20460c90d99e74d95c3e3e

Describe your issue

  1. You go to the admin change page with the raw id field
  2. You click "search" for object
  3. You filter for object
    < you can see, now you are not in "popup" page anymore >
  4. Click on "select" - instead of selecting given record, you enter change, not select

This problem exists also for "date hierarchy"