
Recommended implementation

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I've been using the document-register-element polyfill to target IE11 and used the recommended implementation on that README:

<script>this.customElements||document.write('<script src="//unpkg.com/document-register-element"><\x2fscript>');</script>

Do you still recommend using that same paradigm (document.write) with the new version of the polyfill? If I use the implementation on the README (with no document.write), it appears it would download the bundle for all browsers, not just ones missing customElements.

Also, are there any breaking changes to be aware of migrating from document-register-element to this package? I also use hyperHTML-element if that is a consideration.

Thanks for contributing all this great open source content supporting custom elements.

if you are not using builtin extend, you can use the same <script> but point at //unpkg.com/@webreflection/custom-elements-no-builtin instead, or simply point at this poly.

we use hyperHTML/Element in production and recently swapped polyfill ... it turned out HyperHTMLELement had an issue, and it got fixed, but the polyfill is rock solid.

I hope this answered your question.