
Any chance updating this to use LXD

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Any chance updating this to use LXD instead of or in addition to LXC ?


Thanks for your advice. We will consider that. By the way, your contribution is welcomed.


I'd be glad to help where I can.
Unfortunately I am not a programmer but I am a long time Ubuntu and LXC/LXD user.

I am the Moderator of the LXD and LXC sub-reddits:

LXD sub-reddit

LXC sub-reddit

I am also fairly good at Bash scripting as my own GitHub project CIAB Remote Desktop System is built/integrated using Bash Scripting and includes: Guacamole, Tomcat, MySQL, NGINX, XRDP, LXD

So if there might be something I could help with let me know.