
[Suggestion] Use up-to-date node version in package.json

Closed this issue · 4 comments

package. json contains an old version as a minimum requirement for NodeJS and even the definition in .nvmrc is far behind.

I would suggest updating it and setting up a current .nmvrc, .npmrc and an equivalent version for .node-version and .npm-version (used by nodist on Microsoft Windows).

If you don't want to keep .nmvrc and .npmrc up to date, I recommend to remove both files and to limit the NodeJS version in package. json deliberately.

@Swissbite, thanks a bunch for your input!

The versions are outdated since the current code does only run there. However, the new setup is optimized for the current LTS (8) as well as the latest version (9): https://github.com/unic/estatico-nou

With regards to .npmrc: Do you see an upside in this? I have never had any issues with npm in new node versions and was under the impression the bundled versions were perfectly fine.

Regarding .node-version: Do you know how common nodist is? We are currently recommending nvm-windows instead.

@backflip There are 3 major nvm version managers for windows.
In History:

  • nvmw - About 600 stars, but no longer maintained.
  • nodist - About 850 stars, still maintained. Better support of shell (cmd, powershell). Is more like nvm on unix / linux.
  • nvm-windows - About 5,1 k stars, still maintained. Do not compare it with nvm for unix systems. It works different, sets the node version on global level.

As a windows user I would suggest to either manage both definitions or none of them. Nevertheless they should be in sync the package.json definition.

Slighly delayed: I disagree that the versions should/can be completely in sync:

Then you guys should allow ranges in the package.json config. I know, this is fixed in current master and I know thet the tool is now depcreacted.
But at the time I opened this issue, the two definitions were neither in sync nor in the same range.